“I Destroyed Cancer Today. What Did You Do?”

A Father’s Memoir

Written by Jim Dezell

About The Book.


Twelve years ago, our youngest son was diagnosed with leukemia and underwent 2.5 years of grueling treatments. Four years later,  the cancer aggressively returned and had to be eradicated through a bone marrow transplant. 

During our son’s treatments, my wife consistently wrote updates on him through a blog on CaringBridge. After he had the transplant, someone suggested that it might be useful for me (as a father and a man) to memorialize my experiences.  I have done so in this book. 

The book focuses on how both our son and family got through cancer-- twice. It also sheds much-needed light on pediatric cancer, bone marrow transplants, and the ongoing need for more research and funding to be provided to these areas. 

Proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to the Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital at Columbia University in New York, to continue research and development of Doctor Satwani’s work for pediatric cancer patients in India, and to the Lil’ Bravest Foundation in Washington Heights, NY. If you would like to purchase the eBook, please do so at the following site:


For the paperback:


We are blessed that our son destroyed cancer. Still, much more needs to be done to make sure this illness does not impact others-- especially children.